41063012--International Trade and International IP Protection


Course Syllabus of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Course Title: International Trade and International IP Protection

Course Code




Teaching Hours





International law, intellectual property law

Instructor Information


Jiang He




ZNUEL, International Education School

Applicable Object

International Students

Course Objectives

The principal objective of this course is to provide the master candidates with a thorough understanding of general theories of international trade law which embrace the legal system, general rules of international trade law and basic knowledge of WTO law. Major theories in each field are comparatively analyzed and well understood in their respective case study. Meanwhile, this course is further aimed at the attendants’ knowledge of intellectual protection legal systems subsuming general intellectual property protection systems and TRIPS. This course will also develop the analytical, critical and evaluative skills of candidates in the area of international intellectual property disputes settlement.

Course Description

(200 words)

International trade law and international intellectual property protection is an interdisciplinary course combining international trade law and international intellectual property law which embraces the basic theories and legal system of international trade law, as well as intellectual property protection theories and regulations related to international trade. In this course, students will familiarize themselves with the basic theories of international sale of goods law, international trade regulations and international dispute settlement mechanism. Furthermore, students will develop the ability of settling international intellectual property disputes through international dispute settlement procedures, especially the DSM of WTO. International intellectual protection legal systems defined in Paris Convention, Berne Convention and TRIPS are also embraced in this course. By combining theory with real cases, students will better understand the nature of international trade regulations and comply with the IP law in practice.

Assessment Methods

Class presence                                       20%

This assessment is subject to the attendance requirements.

Participation in class discussions           30%

Participation marks are based on a student’s contribution to class discussions. Marks reflect the quality and the quantity of a student’s participation. In preparation for the weekly seminar, students are expected to do the assigned readings.

Paper writing                                         50%

Textbooks and References

Daniel C.K. Chow, Tomas J.Schoenbaum (eds.). International Trade Law: Problems, Cases and Materials (2nd edition). Wolters Kluwer, 2013.

Frederick M. Abbott (ed.). International Intellectual Property in An Integrated World Economy. Aspen Publishers, 2015.

Andrew T. Guzman , Joost H.B. Pauwelyn. International Trade Law. Aspen Publishers,2009.

Peter Van den Bossche, Denise Prevost. Essentials of WTO Law. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

Petersmann E U. International trade law and the GATT/WTO dispute settlement system. Kluwer Law International, 1997.

Bethlehem, D. L. The Oxford handbook of international trade law. Oxford University Press, 2009.

P. Todd. Cases and Materials on International Trade Law. Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2003.

Verma S K. WTO and the Regulation of International Trade Law. Spinger,2018.

MRF Senftleben. International Intellectual Property Law. Kluwer Law International, 2016.

Cottier T, Véron P. Concise international and European IP law: TRIPS, Paris Convention, European enforcement and transfer of technology. Kluwer Law International, 2011.

Mark Perry (ed.). Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century: Reflecting Policy Through Change. Springer, 2016.

Zekos G I. IPRs protection and their impact upon FDI, GDP growth & Trade. Scholars' Press, 2013.

John H. Jackson (ed.). The Jurisprudence of GATT & WTO. 高等教育出版社,2002.

Course planning

Chapter 1

An Introduction to International Trade Law

Topic1: Backgrounds considerations

Topic2: Evaluation argument for and against “free trade”

Topic3: Chinese culture or religions

Topic4: Introduction to and practice of international law

Chapter 2

Contract Law for International Sale of Goods

Topic1: Backgrounds

Topic2: Structure and features

Topic3: Sphere of application

Topic4: Exclusion of issues

Topic5: Party autonomy and the Vienna Convention

Topic6: Trade usage and the Vienna Convention

Topic7: Interpretation of the Vienna Convention

Topic8: Formation of a contract

Topic9: Obligations of the seller and the buyer

Topic10: Other Provisions

Chapter 3

International Trade Regulation: WTO and Its Multilateral Rules as the Core

Topic1: International Trade Regulation: bilateral, regional and multilateral

Topic2: The institutional aspects of WTO

Topic3: Genera rules of WTO Law

Chapter 4

International Dispute Settlement Law: A Dimension of DSM of WTO

Topic1: Introduction

Topic2: Objectives and purposes

Topic3: Jurisdiction

Topic4: Access

Topic5: Dispute settlement organs

Topic6: Procedure arrangements

Topic7: Key features of the proceedings

Chapter 5

An Introduction to Intellectual Property Law

Topic1: The concept of intellectual property

Topic2: The emergence and development of international protection of intellectual property rights

Topic3: International conventions and organizations protecting intellectual property rights

Chapter 6

International System of IP Law: Paris Convention and Berne Convention as the Basis

Topic1: The international patent system

Topic2: The international trademark system

Topic3: The international copyright system

Chapter 7

International IP Protection: General Principles and Rules of TRIPS

Topic1: The basic framework of TRIPS

Topic2: Purposes and objectives of TRIPS

Topic3: General principles and basic principles

Chapter 8

Case Study of International IP Protection Under TRIPS: Lessons for Developing Countries and China’s Policy

Topic1: WTO/TRIPS intellectual property dispute settlement mechanism

Topic2: Intellectual property disputes between the US and Europe against China

Topic3: China's Intellectual Property protection strategy

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