41063003-- International Politics & Public Law


Course Syllabus of Zhongnan University of  Economics and Law

Course Title: International Politics & Public Law

Course Code




Teaching Hours





Jurisprudence, the civil law

Instructor Information


Yidan Lei




The law school

Applicable Object

International Students

Course Objectives


The course aims to present a panorama of public international law, which covers principles and rules that govern the relations between States and the latter’s interactions with other international actors. The course is designed to give students a global understanding of the rules governing international relations and, ultimately, provide them with practical skills in legal reasoning and arguing, research and writing on international issues.





Course Description

(200 words)


The course will start with an introduction to the international legal order, including a presentation of the specificities of international law as compared to domestic law. It will then focus on core areas of public international law which involve the following questions: Who are the actors in the international legal system and to whom does international law apply? How is international law created and where can it be found? What are the fundamental principles of public international law, besides the multitude of international rules, with a special focus on one of them, namely the prohibition of the use of force? Finally, in case of breaches of international rules, how does international law react to such breaches?

The course is taught through lectures and in-class discussions, with an extensive reliance on primary materials (treaties, resolutions, official declarations, and decisions of international courts). The relevant materials are indicated for each topic in the course syllabus and compiled in a reading-brick. Students are required to read them carefully before coming to class. Additional readings are also suggested for students who wish to go further on topics of particular interest.





Assessment Methods


1.Full attendance20 scores.

( absent: 3 timeszero)

2.Discussing and Lecture giving30 scores.

(excellent-30; good-20; average-10;under-average-0)

3.Memo writing20 scores

(excellent-20; good-15; average-10;under-average-0)

4.  Final paper30 scores.

(excellent-30;good-20; average-10;under-average-0)





Textbooks and References


The main textbook used for the course is

T. Hillier, Public international Law, Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1998. 

U. T. Buergenthal & S. Murphy, Public International Law, West Group, 2002.

Martin Dixon, Cases & Materials on International Law, Oxford University Press,  2016.


Students may also consult www.icj-cij.org to access full texts of the judgments and advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice, www.un.org/documents for any official documents of the United Nations, and other useful websites listed in the course Blackboard page.





Course planning

Chapter 1 Customary International Law


Topic1: Article 38 Statute Of The International Court Of Justice 1945

Topic2: Customary International Law

Topic 3: How to define customary internationa law

North Sea Continental Shelf Cases

Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case,1951

Asylum Case

Haya De La Torre (Colombia v. Peru)1950

Lotus Case



Chapter 2 General principles of law

Topic1:Two-steps to indentify GPL

Topic2: How to use GPL

Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India):

North Sea Continental Shelf case: how to use GPL

South West Africa Advisory Opinion: how to use GPL


Topic 3: Other sources:

Judicial decisions

Resolutions of international organizations




Chapter 3 The treaty of law

Topic1: Article 31 General Rule of Interpretation

Topic2: 31.3(c) Systemic integration in treaty interpretation

Topic 3:

Iran-US Claims Tribunal
Esphahanian v. Bank Tejarat

Pope & Talbot Inc. v. Canada

The Mox Plant Litigation

Shrimp-Turtle and Beef Hormones in the WTO DSU

ECHR:  Al-Adsani_State Immunity and the Right to a Fair Trial

Oil Platforms: ICJ

Topics 4:Guidance to how to apply the Article 31(3)(c)





Chapter 4 The relationship between international law and domestic law

Topic1: Introduction

Topic2: The theoretical issue

Topic 3: The practical issue

Topic 4:

Medellín v. Texas, 552 U.S. 491 (2008)

Van Gend en Loos  (ECJ,1962)

Costa vs. ENEL (ECJ,1963)






Chapter 5 Responsibility of  International Law

Topic1: Draft Articles On The Origin Of  State Responsibility


Caire Claim (1929)

Corfu Channel case (1949)

Yeager v Iran (1987)

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua case (1986)

Youman’s Claim (1926)

Mallen Claim (1927)

Nottebohm case (1955)

Barcelona Traction case (1970)

Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia)




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