41063030--Chinese Economic Law-Course Syllabus


Course Syllabus of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Course Title: Economic Law

Course Code




Teaching Hours





Civil Law, Contract Law

Instructor Information


Mingqing You




School of Law

Applicable Object

International Students

Course Objectives

This course introduces students to the basic theory and rules of the economic law. Economic law refers to the body of rules that regulates the macro-economy and the market for the purpose of maintaining the general stability of the economy, safeguarding the fair and effective competition, and protecting the consumers.


Course Description

(200 words)

This course covers the theory and the basic rules of economic law. The basic theory of economic law covers the governmental intervention of the economic life, the social interests, and the sustainable development. The basic theory of the economic law also addresses the relationship between the government and society as well as the relationship between the government and the market. Besides, the basic theory also discusses the economic law in light of the globalization and the emergence of knowledge economy and green economy. The part of the basic rules addresses the rules on market accession, macro-regulation, and market regulation.


Assessment Methods

There is one in-term test. The format of this test will be announced in the middle of the semester. The final examination (held during the final exam period) is comprehensive. All assigned readings and materials presented in the lectures are examinable. Students will do an integrative case study, to be completed in groups. Students must sign up for a group in the 8th week (no extensions will be given), following procedures explained in class. Each group will submit a case report. Requirements concerning the case report will be explained in class. The report is to be submitted before the 15th session.


                         Date                  Weight

Attendance                                    20%

Group report     13th week            30%

Final exam        TBA                     50%

Total                                              100 %



Textbooks and References

Textbook: Shouwen Zhang, Economic Law, Peking University Press, 2022.



1. Zhongmei Lyu and Hong Chen, Economic Law, Law Press, 2008.

2. Bressman, Rubin, Stack, Regulatory State (Aspen Casebook Series, third edition), Wolters Kluwer, 2020.



Course planning

Chapter 1

Topic1: what is governmental intervention?

Topic2: for whose benefit, and for what ultimate goal?


Chapter 2

Topic1: the legitimacy of governmental intervention.

Topic2: the reasonableness of governmental intervention.

Topic 3: the legality of governmental intervention.


Chapter 3

Topic1: the social interests

Topic2: the interests of the underprivileged people as a part of the social interests.


Chapter 4

Topic1: the definition of sustainable development; and

Topic2: sustainable development and economic law.


Chapter 5

Topic1: the relationship between the government and the society.

Topic2: the relationship between the government and the market.


Chapter 6

Topic1: the economic law in light of globalization.

Topic2: the development of knowledge economy and green economy.


Chapter 7

Topic1: basic theories on market accession.

Topic2: China’s rules on market accession.


Chapter 8

Topic 1: the basic theory on unfair competition.

Topic 2: the different forms of unfair competition.

Topic 3: legal remedies for the victims of unfair competition.


Chapter 9

Topic 1: the basic theory of unfair competition.

Topic 2: the criteria of the unfair competition.


Chapter 10

Topic 1: substantive law requirements on unfair competition.

Topic 2: procedural control of unfair competition.


Chapter 11

Topic 1: the law on the protection of the rights and interests of consumers; and

Topic 2: the law on product quality.


Chapter 12

The basic theory on the regulation of the macro-economy covers the following topics:

Topic 1: who regulates;

Topic 2: for what purposes;

Topic 3: regulatory tools; and

Topic 4: under what procedures.


Chapter 13

The law on public finance covers the following issues:

Topic 1: the governmental structure in terms of public finance;

Topic 2: the rules on budget;

Topic 3: the rules on governmental purchase; and

Topic 4: the rules on public debts.


Chapter 14

The tax law includes the following issues:

Topic 1: the tax systems;

Topic 2: the allocation of rights and obligations related to the taxation; and

Topic 3: the procedures of defining, assessing, and collecting taxes

Chapter 15

The banking law includes the following issues:

Topic 1: the banking system; and

Topic 2: the regulation of the banking industry.


Chapter 16

Topic 1: Course summary

Topic 2: Oral examination

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