【of PhD Students】Doctoral Supervisors of International Law 国际法博士生导师目录


Supervisors of International Law PhD Students

In Alphabetical Order


Supervisor information

江 河

Professor Jiang He

Vice Dean of Law School

E-mail: Bernardjh2002@yahoo.com

Research field:

1. Public International Law

2. International Law of the Sea

3. Law of International Organizations


Professor Jian Jisong

Dean of Master of Law Education Center

E-mail: jianjisong67@163.com

Research field:

1. International Criminal Law

2. International Humanitarian Law

3. Economic Sanctions and the Compulsory Guarantee of International Public Law


Professor Liu Renshan

Vice President of ZUEL


Research field:  

1. Basic Theory of Private International Law

2. Comparison of Private International Law

3. Solution of International Civil and Commercial Disputes


Professor Xu Weigong

E-mail: weigongxu@yahoo.com.cn

Research field:  

1. Private International Law

2. International Civil Litigation

3. International Commercial Arbitration


Professor Xiang Zaisheng

E-mail: XZS2001@hotmail.com


Research field:

1. Comparison of Private International Law

2. Private International Law on Environmental Infringement

3. Private International Law on Electronic Commerce


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