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U.S. Law (Remote via Zoom) 美国法律Zoom线上授课)

Description: Designed for international university students and recent graduates who are considering a career in Law, this program consists of the following courses: 


· Intellectual Property Law (1 unit) – This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the major branches of intellectual property law including, trademark and brand protection, copyright law, alternative theories of moral rights, patent law, and right of publicity law. Students will review benchmark cases, engage in class discussions, and give presentations on ever more relevant topics in intellectual property law. Instructor: John Tehranian, J.D.

知识产权法,讲师:John Tehranian, J.D.



· Intro to U.S. Law (1 unit) – This course is designed to provide international students with context and a strong foundation of the U.S. legal system in order to study specific areas of law more deeply. It consists of a curated series of lectures and Socratic dialogues to introduce students to the fundamentals of the U.S. legal system and rules of ethics. Instructor: Kenneth Stahl, J.D.

美国法律导论,讲师: Kenneth Stahl, J.D.



· Speaking & Listening for Oral Arguments (1 unit) – This course is designed to enable international students to engage with and present on legal texts and real court cases. Students will learn to develop and express ideas effectively for a variety of purposes, audiences, and occasions. Students will also study and apply various rhetorical strategies used in legal arguments. By the end of the course, students will be expected to evaluate and use various types of evidence, engage with others’ ideas, and properly cite sources. Instructor: Karen Vallejo, M.A.

口头辩论口语及听力,讲师: Karen Vallejo, M.A.



Additional Components: UCI School of Law Presentation, UCI Info Session, Networking Mixer/Student Panels, Conversation Partners/Peer Mentors


Recommended for: Current international undergraduates and recent college graduates interested in law in the U.S.


Prerequisites: Must have successfully completed at least one year of an undergraduate program in law or related major


Schedule: M-F, 09:00 – 12:00 China Standard Time  


Total Units: 3

Fee: $1250



Application Fee: $200





Instructor Biographies讲师介绍 

Kenneth Stahl, JD

Kenneth Stahl is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Yale Law School. He is currently  Professor of Law and the director of the Environmental, Land Use, and Real Estate Law certificate program at Chapman University Fowler School of Law. His research combines doctrinal analysis with insights from disciplines including urban sociology, geography, economics, and the humanities. Professor Stahl’s works have appeared in journals including The University of Pennsylvania Law Review, the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, and Cardozo Law Review, among others. Previously, he worked as a Trial Attorney for the United States Department of Justice, Office of Constitutional Torts, and as an Associate at the Washington, D.C. law firm of Arnold & Porter. 

Kenneth Stahl毕业于密歇根大学和耶鲁大学6165金沙官方入口。他目前是查普曼大学福勒6165金沙官方入口的法学教授和环境、土地使用和房地产法律证书课程 主任。他的研究将理论分析与城市社会学、地理学、经济学和人文学科的见解相结合。Stahl教授的著作发表在《宾夕法尼亚大学法律评论》、《哈佛公民权利-公民自由法律评论》和《卡多佐法律评论》等期刊上。此前,他曾在美国司法部、宪法侵权办公室担任审判律师,并在华盛顿特区的阿诺德-波特律师事务所担任助理律师。


John Tehranian, JD

John Tehranian is a graduate of Harvard University and Yale Law School and founding partner of One LLP. In his practice, he has litigated numerous high-profile lawsuits, including copyright, trademark and right of publicity disputes involving Madonna, Don Henley, B.B. King, Bettie Page, Jimi Hendrix, and Perez Hilton, among others. Variety’s 2013 Legal Impact Report recognized John as one of the world’s top 50 entertainment lawyers, and he is a frequent commentator for the broadcast and print media, he has appeared on such television programs as ABC’s Nightline and has been quoted as an expert on legal issues in such publications as The New York Times, Harper’s Magazine, Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, Hollywood Reporter and Christian Science Monitor. John is also the Irwin R. Buchalter Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School and the Biederman Entertainment and Media Law Institute in Los Angeles, California.

John Tehranian毕业于哈佛大学和耶鲁大学6165金沙官方入口,是One LLP的创始合伙人。在他的执业生涯中,他曾为众多知名人士提起过诉讼,包括麦当娜、唐·亨利、B.B.King、贝蒂·佩奇、吉米·亨德里克斯、佩雷斯·希尔顿等人的版权、商标和宣传权纠纷。Variety杂志2013年的《法律影响报告》(Legal Impact Report)评定约翰为世界上最优秀的50名娱乐行业 律师之一,他经常在广播和平面媒体上发表评论,他曾出现在美国广播公司(ABC)的晚间新闻(Nightline)等电视节目中,并被《纽约时报》、《哈泼斯杂志》、《金融时报》、《洛杉矶时报》、《好莱坞记者报》和《基督教科学箴言报》(Christian Science Monitor)等出版物援引为法律问题专家。John还是西南6165金沙官方入口的Irwin R. Buchalter法学教授和加州洛杉矶的Biederman娱乐和媒体法律研究所的教授。


Karen Vallejo, MA

Karen Vallejo is originally from the state of Illinois.  A teacher since 1986, she started teaching English as a Second Language at UCI in 1995.  She has taught a variety of levels and skills in the Business English and Custom Designed programs at UCI DCE.  She has also taught ESL at Brigham Young University and Provo Community School in Utah, and Saddleback Community College in Mission Viejo, California.  She co-authored the text currently used in the fundamental level of the grammar and writing classes at UCI. She has been honored with the Distinguished Instructor award at UCI DCE.

Karen Vallejo来自伊利诺伊州。她从1986年开始教书,1995年开始在加州大学欧文分校教授ESL。她在加州大学欧文分校继续教育学院教授各种层次的商务英语和定制课程。她还在杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)、犹他州普罗沃社区学校(Provo Community School)和加利福尼亚州米慎维埃(Mission Viejo)的马鞍山社区学院(Saddleback Community College)教授英语。加州大学欧文分校基础水平的语法和写作班在使用她参与合著的课本。她获得了加州大学欧文分校继续教育学院杰出讲师奖。



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